What is Novolog?
Do you need help with the cost of Novolog? Novolog is one of the best known fast-acting forms of insulin. Novolog is intended to be taken shortly before a mealtime in order to help manage high blood sugar levels. For this reason it is common for NovoLog to be referred to as a form of ‘bolus’ or ‘mealtime’ insulin, and since its release in 2001 has been used by tens of millions of diabetics to help keep their blood sugar levels in check. It is worth noting also that NovoLog is a ‘man-made’ form of insulin, in the sense that it has been artificially modified from naturally occurring insulin produced by the body.
How does Novolog work?
Novolog is often taken alongside a long acting insulin and is especially valued for its ability to lower A1C, with the added convenience that it allows users to be able to eat within minutes rather than waiting up to a half hour as is common with general insulin treatments.
10ml of Novolog is the standard pre-meal dose. Cases of Novolog usually contain one hundred (essentially a month’s supply assuming three meals/day) vials. While NovoLog can indeed make huge improvements to living life as a diabetic, it is important to follow medical advice when taking this drug and keeping the supply strictly for personal use only. Blood sugar levels ought to be checked before the meal and NovoLog avoided if they are especially lower than what has been medically stipulated as the limit for safe use of this medicine.
What are the potential side effects of Novolog?
Despite being widely used there are potential side-effects from taking NovoLog, although generally speaking for most people these are relatively benign. Potential mild side effects may include headaches, dizziness and confusion (it is advised to avoid driving/machinery while taking NovoLog), whereas a minority may experience mood swings, anxiety, acute sweating and low blood potassium levels. Should these symptoms become apparent consult with medical support as soon as possible.
Help with the cost of Novolog
Not many people know that a number of Pharmaceutical companies run programs called the Patient Assistance Programs or prescription assistance programs. These programs are designed to help people with low income and little to no prescription insurance coverage by providing the medications at little or no money.
The Rx Solution is an organization that was founded to help such people. Here at The Rx Solution, we help a number of patients without prescription drug coverage to get medications through the various prescription assistance programs.
We bring together our nation’s largest pharmaceutical companies along with other medical professionals to help patients qualify for such programs for very low monthly fees. Our mission is to spread awareness of such programs and help eligible people get into such programs easily and without hassle.
If you need help with the cost of Novolog, call us today at (888) 823-0042 to enroll in our widely successful program. Join us today and let us lend you a helping hand.